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Sphinx Academy

Sphinx Questions of the Time

In Greek mythology, there was a figure called Sphinx, with the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird. She was mythicized as treacherous and merciless. Sitting in front of the city of Thebes in ancient Greece, the Sphinx would ask a riddle to everyone who tried to enter the city, and if someone could answer the riddle, the Sphinx would let the person go; but if the person could not answer the riddle, then the Sphinx ate the person.
The global community is now facing big wicked riddles of the Sphinx. If we together can solve the riddles, the whole human existence on this planet will be secured, but if not, we will be eaten by the treacherous impacts of climate change. Under the Sphinx Academy program, GTL is committed to the provision of educational courses to develop human intelligence capacity to look into the problems of our time with clarity and find solutions to advance toward the next stage for the whole global community.

GTL Education
Custom Education Programs

GTL, based on the unique needs of an organization or a corporation, designs and delivers B2B educational courses that comprehensively and strategically focuses on the purpose and specific requirements and circumstances of each client. 

Joint Education Partnership Programs

GTL, partnered with globally renown universities, provides educational courses for joint-credit and joint-degree certification.

Focused Seminars and Workshops

GTL, as public interests necessitate, conducts seminars or workshops on a specific target subject for one day or over a short period of time for an intensive delivery of knowledge, experience and intelligence

GTL Education Core Topics
01. Big Thinking for Integral Transformation and the New Paradigm Shift
02. Designing and Implementing Big Breakthroughs
03. Strategic Visioning on Green Sustainable Transformation
04. Climate Change; Status, Impact and Implications
05. Carbon-Neutrality and New Carbon Economic Paradigm
06. Carbon Emission Management Standards, Regulations and Methodologies
07. Carbon Finance and Integration of Climate Investment and Carbon Trading Mechanisms
08. Emission Trading Systems
09. Green Climate Sustainable Impact Finance Engineering and Funding
10. Green Sustainability Mechanisms and Frameworks
11. SDG’s Goals and Global Progresses
12. ESG and Its implementation Frameworks and Strategies
13. Global Mechanisms, Standards, Policies, Initiatives and Programs for Green Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality
14. National Strategies, Policies, Initiatives and Programs for Green Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality
15. Architecting New Carbon-Neutral Business Models
16. Rearchitecting and Implementing New Carbon-Neutral Business IT Systems
17. Implementing Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Finance Management and Reporting Processes
18. Implementing Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Finance Management and Reporting IT Systems